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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Winter Cameo

After the cold and wet day yesterday we really felt winter moving in so we wrote some winter poems.
Here are a couple from our class. 

Community Walks

As part of our community study we have been going on walks to look around our local community, look at local shops, sports areas and our community streets. We noticed a lot of rubbish around our school area so went on weekly walks picking up rubbish in an effort to make our community look better.
Walking through the tunnel under the new bypass to Walker Cres

Outside the Jack St Dairy

Jayda and others with their rubbish bags

Waiting patiently at the railway crossing

Just about back to school

One walk worth of rubbish. All this picked up in an hour around our local streets!!

Swim for life

We have been very fortunate to have the swim for life instructors in again this term for swim lessons. As part of this programme our children have learned about water safety, life saving and water survival skills. The children have loved participating in these swim sessions and look forward to visits again in term 4.

Community visit to Kensington Park

The Junior Syndicate walked to Kensington Park to visit some of our community support groups. These included the Northland Electricity Rescue Helicopter, St Johns Ambulance, Fire Service and the Police. We were able to look and hear about how these essential services assist the community and also identify ways to keep ourselves safe when out and about. Here are some photos from the day and also some video footage of the Fire Service in action.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Class photo

Here are our star pupils so far for 2013.

Welcome to 2013

Welcome back to Room 5 in 2013. We have new class members and are all excited about starting a new year. Our focus for this term is 'Our Community'. We will be looking at our community which will involve walks, visits by community groups and also an in school community day where we will invite whanau in to join us for the day. So please visit us regularly and tell others to visit. Please remember to post a comment when you visit.