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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Term 4

Well we have all had a great break and are back for an action packed last term before the Christmas Holidays. Our topic this term is 'Our place, Our Artists'. We will be looking at the works of some local artists and hopefully spend a day in our local community looking at local artists works. We have a very busy term coming up with end of year testing, cricket and hockey coaching, swimming and six weeks of whole school AFL development. It will be an exciting time so keep checking in and remember to leave a comment at the bottom of the post so we can see who is visiting us!

Build up to Term 3 Holidays


As part of 'our history' topic study this term we created 3d pepeha using wool, cardboard, fabric, cellophane, paper, wood, pipecleaners and buttons. The pepeha represent our whanau, our location and our favourite things we like to do. These took a while to complete but the effort was worth it and they look awesome hanging up in our room.

Kahu and the Taniwha

This week we have been reading the legend of Kahu and the Taniwha. Read the legend and look at some of our wonderful artwork.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Whanau Day

Today we had a whanau day where we had family in to share in class activities such as sign, reading, board games, outdoor games and computers. We had a wonderful turnout and our children were able to enjoy a fun morning showing off all of their wonderful skills to whanau members. At the end of the activities we had a great shared lunch with heaps of nice goodies that were enjoyed by all.
Nadia and Lennox enjoying a game of snakes and ladders.

Hailey and her cousin getting ready to get some food for our shared lunch.

Puao's mum showing the juniors her fantastic juggling skills.

Puao showing her wonderful skills in New Zealand Sign Language using some sign cards with Zethan.

Jasmine showing off her maths knowledge to mum on the computer.

Stella helping her sister on the computer.

 Phoenix showing mum how to jump rope.