This term we have been looking at our local produce. For the last couple of weeks we have been looking at the different ways we can adapt fruit for eating. So far we have juiced, baked and created exciting sandwiches. Here are some pictures from sandwich making today.
The best part of making my sandwich was eating it. I had cucumber, cheese, carrot, mayo and beetroot. My sandwich was nice and I liked the cheese slice.
By Myra - Mei
I was putting on carrots, lettuce, cucumber to make a sandwich. We had to flip the bread over and eat it. It was yum!
By Aorangi
I made a sandwich with carrots, mayonaise, beetroot, cheese and salad. I put it all together and it was yum!
By Shantel
I was making a sandwich with mayonaise, carrots, cucumber, lettuce and cheese. I didn't put on beetroot because I don't like it. My sandwich was yum as!!
By Stella
I had a cheese and beetroot sandwich. I helped to grate the carrot. It was fun doing the grating. My sandwich was yummy.
By Michael
I am putting cheese, butter and mayo on my bread. I don't like vege's so that is all I had. My sandwich was yummy. I wish I could have another one.
By Tanemahuta
I am putting carrot, beetroot, cheese, butter and mayonaise on my bread. I don't like salad but I got everything else. It was yum. I was the first one finished. The best part was grating the carrot.
By Aonui
I am making my sandwich. I put on cheese, beetroot. I didn't want any salad because it is is yuck. Here is my beetroot ready to eat.
By Phoenix
I made a sandwich with cucumber, mayo, cheese, salad and carrot. I helped to slice the cucumber. It was easy. It was yummy.
By Lisa