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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Next week we will be looking at Matariki. Check out our link to see what Matariki is all about and follow what we do in class.

Here is some of our beautiful fruit weaving art that we completed as part of Matariki celebrations.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Maths - Geometry and Algebra

Some of the awesome repeating patterns that we generated in class using geometric shapes

For the past couple of weeks we have been looking at shapes and patterns in class. As part of this we have looked at the art of Victor Vasserely who produces Op Art. Here is a piece of his work.

We attempted to produce our own Op art based on his work. Take a look at some examples of our own fabulous artwork.


Age 6


Age 5


Age 6


Age 6


Age 6


Age 5

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We had a great visit to Huanui orchard. As well as looking around the orchard we were lucky enough to pick some fruit and see some fruit going through some grading machines.

We got to choose a bit of fruit in the big cold room. By Jasmine

This is a big green juicy apple I got to pick off the tree.
By Zethan

All ready for the bus trip home after a big day in the orchard.

David, Phoenix and Tanemahuta checking out the kiwifruit vines

Look at the size of those apples!!!
Who needs lunch when we get back.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our Place, Our Produce - Huanui Orchard visit

On Wednesday we will be visiting Huanui Orchard to look at some of our local produce. Room 5 are curious to find out what happens at an orchard and what we can see there. Here are some of the questions we want to find answers to.

What type of machines do you use on the orchard?
Do you use compost to help the plants grow?
How many different fruits do you grow at the orchard?
How do you get the fruit to the supermarkets?
How do you pick the fruit?

Alphabet Signing

Week one was New Zealand Sign Language week. One of our class members is deaf and is learning sign and Room 5 is learning along with him. Each day we practice sign and all of the class are enjoying it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Term 2

We are back for another great term. We had an awesome first term and have an exciting term planned. Our class is currently looking at geometry for maths and our topic this term is 'Our Place, Our Produce'. In week 3 we will be visiting Huanui Orchard to look at how food is collected and graded so keep an eye out for the latest info.