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Friday, February 14, 2014

Welcome Back

Welcome back for another exciting year in 2014. We have some new class members and some old. Room 5 has two teachers this year. Mr Jenkins and Mrs Graham who are both looking forward to a great year in Room 5. We hope to have regular updates of things going on in Room 5 and around our school so keep checking our blog for new posts.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Winter Cameo

After the cold and wet day yesterday we really felt winter moving in so we wrote some winter poems.
Here are a couple from our class. 

Community Walks

As part of our community study we have been going on walks to look around our local community, look at local shops, sports areas and our community streets. We noticed a lot of rubbish around our school area so went on weekly walks picking up rubbish in an effort to make our community look better.
Walking through the tunnel under the new bypass to Walker Cres

Outside the Jack St Dairy

Jayda and others with their rubbish bags

Waiting patiently at the railway crossing

Just about back to school

One walk worth of rubbish. All this picked up in an hour around our local streets!!